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Baseball has always been something I have had a passion for

throughout my life. When I am pitching on the mound all the 

outside distractions go away. Its just me and the game I love.

Now I know you think money is what makes me happy but that is not the thing that makes me happy. What makes me happy is having it to spend on what i want to and making my family happy. Nobody likes to worry about not being able to make other people happy or be able to pay bills sometimes.

My family is of the most important things to me, My parents have always been there for me and still are. Now that I am in college I cant see them everyday but i still see them every weekend and talk to them all the time but i miss them a lot. 

Music is something that I use in many situations. Like when I am having a bad day and just want to get away from my thoughts i listen to some music or when I need to concentrate but mostly every time I listen to music it just boost my moral and makes me a happier person.



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