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Once upon a time there was 3 friends. Brandon, Jalen, and Cole. These 3 friends all worked together on a farm. They would get up at sunrise and work very hard all the way to the sun went down. But after a long time of working the boys began to be unhappy with their jobs. One day on the way home from work the boys stumbled across an old woman who was having difficulty carrying her things home. So the boys stepped in and took her things home for her out of kindness and all, but what they did not know is this women had special powers. The lady thanked the boys and then asked them if they can choose one thing that would make them happen what would it be? Cole said “ i want a mansion in the woods” and the old lady said “good choice, it's done”.  And the Brandon wanted a pretty wife, and Jalen wanted his own farm and farm house. The old lady said “ You boys are kind and sweet, go enjoy your life and be happy”. So the boys raced home as fast as they could to see their new happy life.


About a year after they met the old lady and the boys views have changed. Jalen’s farm is doing good and he has all the animals you can think of but he is getting tired of getting up early and doing all the hard work, and Cole has a huge mansion with a big pool and tons of servants just like he wanted but he is tired of the big house and begins to neglect the house and put all the hard work on his servants. And Brandon lives in the woods with his pretty wife but he doesn't like all the chores and errands his wife wants him to do. So the boys go and visit the old lady after a year of their new life. They knock on her door and they begin to tell the lady about their issues and why they aren't happy. The old lady says to the boys “ I gave you all what you wanted and i know why you're not happy”. They boys ask “ tell us” and she says calmly “ Happiness isn't something that you want, after a year you guys have forgotten what made  you happy” she goes on and says “ Content is key to happiness, you will only begin to find happiness when you find content with what makes you happy”. So then she sent the boys back home.


The boys talked about it and found their content with what makes them happy. So they boys ran home just like they did before and Jalen got up every morning like before but he did it with a huge smile and Brandon did everything his wife asked he even said he loved her every morning after she asked him to do things, and Cole began to take pride and work and add things in his house and did a lot of the cleaning and took all the stress off the servants. The boys found content and lived happy ever after.

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